Brough Scott
I was made to feel extremely welcome from the outset on the day of screening with ICHIRF. From the easily found Harley Street offices, to the accessibility of the study on arrival, ICHIRF’s commitment to demonstrating the length and depth of research undertaken even before screening commences are a masterstroke. The written and spoken statistics presented are fascinating and help educate you as a volunteer on the importance of your participation in the project in a wider context.
I found the neurology expert admirably concise and engaging once we had broken the ice, making the assorted tests both understandable and amusing. Subsequent IQ and cognitive tests were led by extremely pleasant, professional staff, alongside intriguing and challenging content throughout the afternoon. This was capped off by an incredible head scanner test – an amazing little device that could incredibly track my eye movements in chasing of a beam projected onto the wall. This is crucial research and with the publicity generated by admirable and identifiable figureheads, such as Richard Dunwoody, should attract the volunteers it requires to deliver data and ultimately results for professional analysis.